Pre-Production Journal – Final Project
Sorry this wasn’t posted earlier. I though that I had done it, but I don’t see it anywhere so I must have forgotten.
Topic ::
I want to interview myself. I’ve never had anyone ask me deep questions. I have also learned to dodge most questions, buy giving alternative answers, playing dumb, or giving some humorous response. Maybe if I do the interview myself it will be harder to fool around with the answers.
In addition to exploring my life and the deeper questions that I want to contemplate, I’d also like to include small pieces that I can complete that will stand alone as separate creative pieces when I am done.
Characters ::
Haven’t finished all of the concept yet, but know for certain that I will be playing multiple versions of myself. I’ll be the host/interviewer, the subject, and characters or voices in the short pieces.
Locations ::
I’ll shoot the host section in my studio. Interview might be in my apartment or in the link gallery. Still working on the details of the rest. I love my front porch, so I might do something there.
B-roll ::
In addition to clips from previous pieces that I have produced, I’ll be producing additional work for the project. I’ll also be building and open and some graphics for the project.
Take Away ::
In addition to learning a little more about me, maybe the audience will identify with some of the subjects that I talk about: hardships of being creative, balancing life, having fun. Hopefully the biggest take away is for me as a way to jumpstart myself back into creative mode. It is possible that it will also inspire others to be creative.
Summarize ::
The main points of the film are to look a little deeper into my mind and to also get my creativity going. I am hoping that the audience will find it interesting, but, selfishly, my main goal is for me to get something out of it. Not to say, I won’t consider the audience at all, but that the main focus will not be on them.
Plan of Action ::
Step one: Figure out exactly what I want to include in the project. Wish I had this one done, so it would be easier to do step two.
Things that I know I will need:
Opening Animation: Done by 21st.
Write up questions and video myself answering them: Done by 18th.
Host/Interviewer Questions Video: Done 19th-20th.
Plan for Five Fast Facts: By the 21st.
Five Fast Facts Edited by 23rd.
Rough Draft including Five Fast Facts, Host and Interview Footage by 23rd.
Creative Bits Shot by the 28th.
Creative Bits Edited by May 3rd.
Fine Tune Editing/Audio Sweetening/Color Correction: May 4th-6th
Show Project to Class: May 7th
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