Started My Interview – Maybe Need to Shift
Well, I started to finalize the questions that I was going to do for my interview. As I was working on the questions, it was impossible for me to not think about the answers. Actually the questions and answers have been going back and forth for the last couple of weeks. It has just been a stream of things, nothing final.
Today, when I was trying to finalize them, one of the questions was: if I could do anything what would I do? I was going to joke about being a dancer and then talking about film projects that I wanted to do and maybe finish off by talking about writing. I was even planing on cutting to a little bit of me dancing. I originally wanted to do a little Footloose dance, but I couldn’t find a Burgundy Tux like Kevin Bacon wears (and I had doubts that I would be able to do the dance anyway). I then thought about other movie dances. Looked through a lot, trying to find something that I could do. Maybe the Pee-wee Herman dance or the Napoleon Dynamite dance. Seemed a lot easier to do. For the movie bit, I was going to cut some of my previous work in. For writing I was going to say how un-visual it would be to show someone writing and then cut to a close up of my hand writing.
As I was coming up with ideas about how to make the shoots happen, I was struck with what Morgan asked in her feedback. She asked how I was going to stop myself from dodging the questions like I do when anyone else would ask me. I realized that everything about the answer was a dodge. I don’t know why it is so hard for me to admit, but the truth is that if I could do anything I would be an film actor. Why the hell is that so hard to me to take seriously. I’ve done some acting in school and a little in college, I’ve taken improv classes at Second City, and even done a little acting on the stage. It is the thing that I want most of all, and while it is not a easy path, it isn’t like it would be something that would be impossible for me to do.
The idea of becoming an actor scares me more than anything in the world. I used to give advice to students, that if something scares you, then there is a good chance that that is the thing you should do. You’ll either succeed, or learn that it isn’t something that you want to continue. Maybe I need to take my own advice.
So, I am thinking about changing my project. Instead of an interview with cut in video pieces, I would just do a few short monologues. Me acting in front of a camera.
As a video project, it kind of sucks. It definitely wouldn’t be as good as what I have planned to do with the interview. Even though I said that I wasn’t doing the interview project for the viewers, I was still planning on making it a polished piece that I thing would have been entertaining. It would be nice to show off a little bit of my video skills. I haven’t really shown what I can do on any of the projects that I have done so far. I am not sure me doing monologues would do much for anyone watching, but I am thinking that it might be a good thing for me to do.
Right now, I am in the contemplation stage. I am not sure if I should stay the course, or go with the new option.
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