The Journey Begins
Today is the first day of the new adventure, my journey to become a storyteller!
My History: I was a good student in high school, graduated with awards and honors, but when I got to college I wasn’t sure what I wanted to be, and the classes I was taking weren’t giving me any guidance. The classes that excited me (writing, drawing, acting, photography) were in areas that I didn’t think were viable careers. I also had to deal with my doubts about my abilities in those areas. I had always done well in math and sciences, so I was very comfortable thinking of myself that way, but the tech fields didn’t excite me. I knew I wanted to be creative, but was afraid to try. So I left school without finishing.
Rethinking: I have been thinking about going back to school to finish up my Bachelor’s degree. That has left me with mixed emotions. A degree would help with my job, but I am in a tech support job, so I don’t really want to do that forever. I’ve looked at different types of schools and programs and have found that the ones that interest me don’t fit my life and the online schools that fit my life only offer programs that don’t interest me. I want to be creative. I want to tell stories. What to do?
The Start of Something: I know that I want to be a storyteller, but I can’t find a degree that will allow me to explore what I want, so I’ve decided to go it alone and create my own learning plan. This blog will document my journey, showcase my work, and maybe become a resource to others looking to follow a similar path.
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