Finding the Story – Sheila Bernard

  1. first, post on your blog at least two ideas you are thinking about pursuing for the this i believe topic.  (you must have at least a plan A and a plan B, and I suggest including a plan C) 
    Plan A: Interview Myself
    Plan B: If I am unavailable, then the project will not get done.
  2. second, for each plan, discuss the following (all of these topics are discussed at length in the article, so refer to Bernard’s article to inform your answers)
    1. Access and Feasibility: I’ve checked with myself and I am available. The project should be doable.
    2. Relevance: It is relevant to me, so there must be others out there that share my interest.
    3. Visualization: I’ve got previous work to pull from and will be doing a few short things specifically for this.
    4.  Hook: I’ll put a shot of my daughter in there and she is adorable. That should hook them. If not, then I’ll play some Blue’s Traveller.
  3. third, Bernard gives descriptions of several documentaries in the article.  write down the titles and directors of a 2-5 films that sound interesting to you
    1 – Sound and Fury – My father has a Cochlear implant so it sounds good.
    2 – Sing Faster – Anything set to Wagner has got to be good.

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